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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Buyers Beware

Good Evening Everyone,

Throughout my real estate business, I have come across various topics and questions. I still find it fascinating to know that the knowledge that is out there in the public realm is still incorrect.

For example, multiple offers on a house. Sellers love this,due to the fact they just need to pick the sweetest deal from them. Which, could mean, removing conditioning on the offer. The question that comes up is what does that mean for a buyer and what does that mean in regards to their safety. When I mean safety, I am not talking about actual physical safety. I am talking about, what happens if you remove the conditions and you don't get your finances from the bank?  What happens if you remove the condition on home inspection, and find out later the previous owner double tapped into the electrical box? Or the roof shingles need to be replaced, or there was leaking of water that isn't visible to the naked eye? What do you do?

Well the answer is the buyer is responsible. Those conditions are there to protect the buyer in case of anyone of those previous issues occur. The conditions allow the buyer to walk away from that house and to receive their deposit back.

Please buyers, do your research first before buying a home. Sitting down with a Realtor to discuss these matters is in my opinion more important than any other step involved in buying a home. That is why MyDaddyHomes, we conduct Buyer Seminar's. We provide information about the various types of relationships with a Realtor all the way to receiving your keys.

Knowledge is key, do your own homework first.

Take care,


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