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Friday, January 11, 2013

Bob Proctor Seminar

Hello Readers,

On Monday Jan 7th, 2013, my friend invited me to a seminar held by Bob Proctor.  The information in which he provided was very interesting and simple.

To change ones outer circumstances, you must change our inner thinking. Your inner paradigms in which all of us have about ourselves and the people around us. Furthermore, set goals and believe in yourself and believe that you have the skills to accomplish those goals.

Lastly, if you want to change you have to imagine that change has already occurred. Change your frequency of your minds vibrations.

Check out some videos and pics of the seminar.

Take care for now, and follow us on MyDaddyHomes, Twitter, MyDaddyHomes Facebook Page, and MyDaddyHomes Wordpress
Arlene Samuel

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