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Monday, August 27, 2012

Landlord and Tenant

Morning Everyone,

Today's topic is how landlords and tenants manage to coexist during the lease term and thereof.  Furthermore, thank you again for continuing to follow my blog, I greatly appreciate all of your support.

Recently, I have experience a lot of issues regarding landlords requesting various rental increases, lawn care, maintenance of appliances, and other topics.  I believe that some landlords don't read the Landlord and Tenant Board Rules and Regulations. That information is vital to make the process smooth between both parties.

I will discuss a few topics:
       1) Rental Increase
       2) Maintenance and Repair
Rental Increase (Residential Tenancies Act)
Under the board, a landlord can request a rental increase if at least 12 months has already passed of the tenancy agreement. (Rental Increase Guideline 2012)
Here is the information straight from the board:

Notice of rent increase required
116.  (1)  A landlord shall not increase the rent charged to a tenant for a rental unit without first giving the tenant at least 90 days written notice of the landlord’s intention to do so. 2006, c. 17, s. 116 (1).
(2)  Subsection (1) applies even if the rent charged is increased in accordance with an order under section 126. 2006, c. 17, s. 116 (2).
Contents of notice
(3)  The notice shall be in a form approved by the Board and shall set out the landlord’s intention to increase the rent and the amount of the new rent. 2006, c. 17, s. 116 (3).

Maintenance and Repair
The Landlord is responsible for keeping the dwelling is a state of good repair during the tenancy. Here are few aspects that they are to repair:

  • Electrical, plumbing or heating systems
  • Appliances, 
  • Carpets in the unit or common areas, 
  • Walls, roofs, ceilings,  
A Tenant, is responsible for keeping the dwelling up to the standard that most people 
would consider ordinary or normal cleanliness (Tenant Responsibilities)

For more information, please contact the Landlord and Tenant board

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