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Thursday, September 6, 2012


Good Morning Readers,

Today, I wanted to write about goals. I know that most of my blog's discuss the current real estate market. However, I had to write this today, I felt compelled.

I embarked upon a journey in which I never thought I would. This journey all started after I completed my 10K race at the Mississauga Marathon event.  After that race I felt amazing, I felt like I could accomplish any goal in which I dreamt.

My friends, who where competing in the half marathon. Said to me " Arlene, you can do a half marathon. I was like no way" Running for more than 2 hours is ridiculous. Why would I even think of doing something like that. Put my body through that pain.

That idea stuck with me like glue.  It kept digging away in my brain, saying "WHY NOT'. Why do you believe you can't accomplish a feet like that. To my own surprise, it was because I was scared.

To know something about me, is that when my mind is made up. I don't change it, I go through until the ever end.  So, what does that mean, I signed up for the Milton Half Marathon on Sept 16, 2012.

I have been training for this event now for the past 11 weeks. Training has consisted of many 6k, 8k, and 10k runs. The training schedule, was very helpful as well. I accomplished a lot of first. For example my first 11k, 13k, 16k, 18k, and 19k. So, on Sept 16, 2012 which is 9 days away, I will be prepared and feel proud of my accomplishment.

Here are some of my training run times. When I am done with the half, I will post some before and post pictures.

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