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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Investing in Trinidad and Tobago

Hello Everyone,

Have you ever thought about investing in a foreign land. Somewhere hot, laid back and has beautiful people plus views. Well, I found a place recently when I visited Trinidad and Tobago.

Both islands are amazing. Each has it's own uniqueness from their marvelous food, to it's people, and lifestyle.  When I was in Trinidad, I thought as a Western it was too laid back. Than I arrived in Tobago, and they are even more laid back.  It was wonderful not to be moving at such a quick pace in which I am use to back home in Ontario.

In Tobago, there are various housing options. For example you could buy 1.75 acres, 59, 615Sqft for $500,000 US dollars or $3.2million TT (Trinidad and Tobago dollars). Or rent a villa, depending on price point and location from around $600-$4000 TT (Trinidad and Tobago dollars).** The exchange rate varies, but let's say $1 Canadian dollar to $5 dollars TT.

Well, all I know is that I will be going back for sure and enjoying the sights, people and food.  Check out some of the picture from my trip and take a look at this website for more information about Tobago Real Estate.

** Information pertained from Island Investments (29th October 2012 booklet)
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